Purchase finnish bbq hut seattle 6m² / 55mm / 3 x 2,6 m from £5,500.
Get up to 13% off the lazy chair terrace chair made of larch.
Octagonal summer house katrin 9,5m²/25mm/ 3,6 x 3,3m just £4,950.
Modern summer house lucas d 8,5m²/40mm/ 3,2 x 3,2m from £2690.
Garage and carport combination type h/44mm/6x6m from £4450.
Large garden hobby room barbados 21m²/44mm/5,9x4,1m just £4250
Purchase finnish bbq hut seattle 6m² / 55mm / 3 x 2,6 m from £5,500.
Get up to 13% off the lazy chair terrace chair made of larch.
Octagonal summer house katrin 9,5m²/25mm/ 3,6 x 3,3m just £4,950.
Modern summer house lucas d 8,5m²/40mm/ 3,2 x 3,2m from £2690.
Garage and carport combination type h/44mm/6x6m from £4450.
Large garden hobby room barbados 21m²/44mm/5,9x4,1m just £4250