Use this coupon code at checkout and get a $50 discount on orders over $500. Order now while the code expires.
Take a $20 discount on any order when you add this promo code during checkout. Order now at
Take a $20 discount on your first order when you sign up with your e-mail address. Sign up now and get access to Segway exclusive offers & deals.
Enjoy free shipping on your orders when you spend $99 or more.
Gain up to a 40% discount on the back-to-school sale section. In this section., you can find kick scooters, kids' bikes, or more. Order now before the offer ends.
Use this coupon code at checkout and get a $50 discount on orders over $500. Order now while the code expires.
Take a $20 discount on any order when you add this promo code during checkout. Order now at
Take a $20 discount on your first order when you sign up with your e-mail address. Sign up now and get access to Segway exclusive offers & deals.
Enjoy free shipping on your orders when you spend $99 or more.
Gain up to a 40% discount on the back-to-school sale section. In this section., you can find kick scooters, kids' bikes, or more. Order now before the offer ends.