Purchase any products related to Lentiamo's birthday and get 50% off.
Enjoy free shipping on orders totaling €69 or more, saving you the cost of shipping fees.
Get a 6% discount when you purchase ever clean plus 3 x 350 ml with cases.
Get 15% Off When you buy lenjoy 1 day comfort (30 lenses).
The voucher is for all non discounted products and for new customers only
The voucher is for all non discounted products and for new customers only
Purchase any products related to Lentiamo's birthday and get 50% off.
Enjoy free shipping on orders totaling €69 or more, saving you the cost of shipping fees.
Get a 6% discount when you purchase ever clean plus 3 x 350 ml with cases.
Get 15% Off When you buy lenjoy 1 day comfort (30 lenses).