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Purchase Cure catheter closed system kit 14 fr 1500 ml special for only $1.49. This kit includes a latex-free catheter, a non-staining bzk wipe, three povidone-iodine swab sticks, one pair of gloves, a sterile wipe, and an underpad.
Purchase Deluxe heating pad with auto-shutoff for only $11.44. It maintains consistent heat for greater comfort. Order now and enjoy it.
Purchase a wide collection of family medical supplies starting as low as $3.37. Order now at diabetesstore.com.
Take a 10% discount on any order by using this promo code at checkout. Order now while the code expires.
Use this coupon code at checkout and get a 10% discount on all orders. This code is valid for a limited time only.
Avail of free shipping on all orders over $100. Order now and enjoy this offer.
Sign up with your e-mail address and get a 10% discount on your next order. Sign up now and get access to the latest news & offers.
Purchase Cure catheter closed system kit 14 fr 1500 ml special for only $1.49. This kit includes a latex-free catheter, a non-staining bzk wipe, three povidone-iodine swab sticks, one pair of gloves, a sterile wipe, and an underpad.
Purchase Deluxe heating pad with auto-shutoff for only $11.44. It maintains consistent heat for greater comfort. Order now and enjoy it.
Purchase a wide collection of family medical supplies starting as low as $3.37. Order now at diabetesstore.com.