Avail 50% off on selected pods and disposables at Blu.com.
Gain a 10% discount sitewide when you add this promo code during checkout. Order now and get this discount before the code expires.
Take advantage of a 10% discount on all orders over $29 by using this voucher code at checkout. This code is available for a limited time.
Enjoy free shipping for all orders above $80. Order now and get this offer at blu.com.
Purchase an E-cigarette accessories collection starting from just $7.95. This collection includes an e-cigarette USB wall charger, blu plus+ USB e-cig charger, and blu plus+ rechargeable device. Order now.
Enjoy free shipping on orders when you spend $80 or more at blu.com.
Purchase limited edition myblu blue device from $9.99.
Purchase limited edition myblu silver device from $9.99.
Get 50% off on liquid blu packs by using this code promo code at checkout. This promo code is valid for a limited time. Order now before the code expires.
Gain a 10% discount sitewide when you add this promo code during checkout. Order now and get this discount before the code expires.
Take advantage of a 10% discount on all orders over $29 by using this voucher code at checkout. This code is available for a limited time.
Get 50% off on liquid blu packs by using this code promo code at checkout. This promo code is valid for a limited time. Order now before the code expires.
Avail 50% off on selected pods and disposables at Blu.com.
Enjoy free shipping for all orders above $80. Order now and get this offer at blu.com.
Purchase an E-cigarette accessories collection starting from just $7.95. This collection includes an e-cigarette USB wall charger, blu plus+ USB e-cig charger, and blu plus+ rechargeable device. Order now.
Enjoy free shipping on orders when you spend $80 or more at blu.com.
Purchase limited edition myblu blue device from $9.99.
Purchase limited edition myblu silver device from $9.99.